Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Hot Tubs & Safety - Where Do You Stand?

Hot Tub Safety

By Arnie Moreno

Of course when most people consider having a pool installed at their home, one of their primary concerns is pool safety. After all, everyone knows that pools do pose a very real drowning risk. However; when it comes to hot tubs, people all too often just assume that they possess very little risk to the people who use them or to the children in and about the home.

The Real Truth About Hot Tubs Safety

The actual truth of the matter is that children drown every year in five gallon buckets. So you can rest assured that there is plenty of water for a child to drown in in a hot tub. However; believe it or not hot tubs in a home also bring with them more risks than just the risk of drowning.

Can Your Deck Hold a Hot Tub?

As an example, are you aware that your deck can actually collapse from the weight of a the tub and the water in it? After a series of well publicized deck collapses, a study found that untold thousand of decks on homes are inadequately attached to the structures.

You Need To Lag Bolt the Deck To the Home

You see, there really is no code or set rules on how the rim board that connects a deck to a home has to be attached. As a result, homes all over the planet and yours may be one of them, have decks that are simply nailed to the home. Take a look at yours and if it is, use some heavy 6" long lag bolts to secure the rim board to the home.

Water Born Bacteria In Hot Tubs Are a Serious Matter

Infection due to poorly maintained water is also a risk that you will have to contend with. Understand that bacteria are becoming more resistant to antibiotics and new deadly strains like MERSA have emerged. You simply must stay on top of your hot tub, as it pertains to its chemicals.

Article by Arnie Moreno. Surf to this site for more details on Hot tubs and above ground swimming pools.

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Hot Tub Safety

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